Lincoln High School 1963 Lincoln, Nebraska
HELP..Funding our Website
Dear Everyone...
This is about carrying on with our website.
We always have tried to carry over at least a $200. balance after a Reunion
for future operating expenses. Our current balance is $215.12
In order to maintain our website for 3 more years (we can only renew in 3 year increments) we need to collectively raise $600.
Our current subscription EXPIRES January 31, 2024
Please let me know if you find our website of value and
if you can help support extending our website.
Ill let you all know when we reach our goal.
Thank you all sooo much!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR Ya'all !!!...from Texas
Pat Canfield KOS
Please send your check to:
Connie Adams
7108 Glynoaks
Lincoln, NE 68516....MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO:
LHS CLASS of 1963